Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Ok so I might have a small addiction to origami. These are just some of my many many origami pieces. When i am home sick from school I usually like to fold origami. But with two dogs in the house I have to be careful where I put my origami so that this doesn't happen......
Thanks Rudy!!!!!!


Grandma Carla said...

You are really quite talented. But, Rudy needs a few more directions!

Moira-Lin said...

Grandma always has the funniest things to say :)

Addison I am quite impressed. I don't think I would have the patience to do those.

RatalieNose said...

You're amazing! I Can't do anything with paper besides write on it??? How lame am I??

M'Liss said...

I always love seeing what you have made. Now we just need to find a good spot to keep it when you are done so puppies don't eat them.

Shay said...

I love you Addison!